
lmoe architecture

lmoe is a directed acyclic graph of intelligent agents.

Nodes may be one of three types:

Legend for an lmoe architecture diagram

Current architecture

lmoe is currently very basic. A small classifier routes between a few top-level nodes. Additional nodes not pictured:

Current architecture of lmoe

Future architectures

Multi-level classification

For now, there is only one classifier at the root. In the future, lmoe will support trees of classification.

Multi level classification

Early testing suggests that single, large classification prompting with lots of examples scales poorly, but nested levels with small classifiers may scale better.

Library agents

More advanced functionality can be enabled with library agents which rely on an underlying model to deliver part of a response.

Library dependencies

For instance, understanding filesystem intent - "/Users/me/Documents/document.text", "this directory", "somewhere in my downloads folder" - and reading the data can be an intermediate task which allows other agents to function better.

This would allow simpler usage of, for instance, the image recognition agent. Instead of having to base64 the contents of an image ourselves, we could do:

% lmoe what is in the pic at /Users/me/Pictures/picture.png
There is a black and tan dog looking up at the camera with a cute expression on its face. The
background is a colorful blend of autumn leaves.