
Configuring lmoe

To get started, create an lmoe config file in your $HOME directory.

% touch "$HOME/.lmoeconfig"


The plugins entry allows lmoe to dynamically load your plugin package at runtime. Multiple plugin packages can be loaded.

plugins = [
    {path = "<path to a directory containing {package_name}>", package_name="<name of your package.>"}

For example, if I have the following directory structure:

|  | /example_plugins
|  |  | __init__.py
|  |  | example_expert_1.py
|  |  | example_expert_2.py
|  | /personal_plugins
|  |  | __init__.py
|  |  | personal_expert_1.py

Then I’d have the following .lmoeconfig:

plugins = [
    {path = "/Users/me/lmoe_plugins", package_name = "example_plugins"},
    {path = "/Users/me/lmoe_plugins", package_name = "personal_plugins"}